3. MultiNet Documentation and Online Help


This chapter provides information about the MultiNet documentation set and available online help for MultiNet.

The MultiNet Documentation Set

The MultiNet documentation set consists of the following publications:

MultiNet Release Notes

Describes new features in the software, known restrictions or problems, and corrections to the published MultiNet documentation. Review the file SYS$HELP:MULTINET055.RELEASE_NOTES after installing the software. The same information is also available on CD-ROM distributions in ASCII format ([MULTINET055]MULTINET_RELEASE_NOTES.TXT)

MultiNet User’s Guide

Explains how to explore your network, send and receive electronic mail, log into a remote system, transfer files between systems, and use DECwindows with MultiNet. Includes user command references and the MultiNet Master Index.

MultiNet Installation and Administrator’s Guide

Explains how to install, configure, and manage MultiNet.

MultiNet Administrator’s Reference

Identifies and describes MultiNet configuration and management commands.

MultiNet Messages, Logicals, and TCP/IP Services for DECnet Applications

Lists MultiNet messages and provides trouble-shooting information as well as MultiNet logicals.

Explains how to configure TCP/IP Services for DECnet Applications.

MultiNet Programmer’s Reference

Describes the MultiNet programming interfaces.


MultiNet Online Help

MultiNet provides an extensive set of online help topics available using the DCL prompt: