PMDF System Manager's Guide

Previous Next Contents Index Conversion of application/octet-stream material (convert_octet_stream, noconvert_octet_stream)

MIME provides a general-purpose type for exchange of pure untyped binary data. Such data may or may not be usable in any given circumstance; no other information about the data is available. Various PMDF channels provide mechanisms for dealing with such data that may or may not be appropriate. The convert_octet_stream and noconvert_octet_stream keywords control these mechanisms; if the former is specified conversions are performed and if the latter is specified no conversions are performed. The latter keyword is the default for all channels.

Optional channel-specific conversions available include:

  1. The OpenVMS L, DECnet MAIL-11, and mail_ channels all can optionally convert application/octet-stream data into VMS MAIL foreign messages. See also the foreign keyword, Section
  2. PMDF-MR will optionally convert application/octet-stream data into DECBODY7 bodyparts. See also the description of the CONVERT_APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM option for PMDF-MR, <REFERENCE>(HEAD3_MROPTIONFORMAT).
  3. PMDF-X400 will optionally convert application/octet-stream data into X.400 bodypart 14. See also <REFERENCE>(HEAD1_X400MESSAGEBODIES).

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