PMDF popstore & MessageStore Manager's Guide

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4.1 Using the Management Interface

Before attempting to use the web-based management interface, you must first configure the PMDF Dispatcher and HTTP server. This is accomplished by running the Dispatcher configuration utility as described in the PMDF Installation Guide. If you have not configured the Dispatcher, then do so now.

In order to use the management interface, you will need a web client which supports HTML tables. The management interface is accessed via the URL

In place of host , use the actual IP host name of the system running the PMDF HTTP server. If you chose to run the PMDF HTTP server on a port other than port 7633, then specify that port number in place of 7633 in the above URL.

To manage a user domain other than the default user domain, instead specify the URL

where domain is the name of the user domain to manage.

If you are met with an "Access Forbidden" message when you attempt to access the above URL, then you need to check:

  1. that you have configured the PMDF Dispatcher and HTTP server;
  2. that you have an HTTP_ACCESS mapping table in your PMDF mapping file;
  3. that if you created or changed the HTTP_ACCESS mapping table that you have recompiled your configuration if using a compiled configuration; and,
  4. that you have started the PMDF Dispatcher and that it is running.
Note further that if you change the HTTP_ACCESS mapping table, then you will need to restart the HTTP server in order for those changes to take effect.

When you issue the first command which requires access to the popstore itself, your web client will prompt you for your popstore account name and password. You must supply the correct name and password of a popstore account which has popstore management privileges.1 Management privileges can only be granted to popstore accounts using the command line management utility. See Chapters 6 and 7 for directions on the use of that utility.

To obtain help for a given popstore management function, click on the HELP button associated with that function. A form's RESET button resets the form's entries to their default values.


1 Presently, the popstore CGI uses the HTTP Basic Authentication scheme. This is currently the only standardized HTTP authentication scheme. Unfortunately, with this authentication scheme, the account name and plain text password are transmitted in the clear from the client to the server.

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