PMDF popstore & MessageStore Manager's Guide

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7.2 Adding New Accounts

New accounts can be added in one of two ways: by creating a new account or (for popstore only) copying an existing account. The former is done with the ADD command while the latter with the COPY command. Regardless of the method chosen, when a new account is added a name and password to associate with the account should be chosen. This is the name and password which the owner of the account must use in order to access messages stored for the account. Specify -flags=pwd_elsewhere to create the account with an externally stored password (e.g., an /etc/passwd password). Optionally, account quotas Optionally, account quotas and an ownership field identifying the owner of the account can also be specified. Quotas not specified will be copied from the default account.

See Section 1.3.1 for a discussion of the name space allowed for account usernames.

For instance, suppose that Jane Doe is to be given the account jdoe with the password SecRet. The command to add the account would then be

popstore> ADD JDOE/PASSWORD="SecRet"/OWNER="Jane Doe"
popstore> SHOW JDOE
Username:           jdoe 
Owner:              Jane Doe 
Store Type:     popstore 
Usage flags: 
Last pwd change:    Fri Nov 15 12:02:22 2012 
Last connect:       No time recorded 
Last disconnect:    No time recorded 
Total connect time: 0 00:00:00 
Total connections:  0 
Past block days:    0 
Last billing:       Fri Nov 15 12:02:22 2012 
Message count:              0 (0 total messages received) 
Quota used:              0.00 Kbytes 
Quota:                2048.00 Kbytes 
Overdraft:              20.00 Kbytes 
Note that POP passwords are case sensitive. Moreover, the utility will lower case strings not placed within quotes. As such, it is necessary to quote strings such as passwords which contain upper case characters which must be preserved.

It is important to note that when the popstore was configured, default account settings were specified. These settings are kept in the form of a default account named default. Whenever an account is added with the ADD command, the popstore actually copies the default account to the new account thereby using the default account's settings as the basis for the new account.

Copying an existing popstore account with the COPY command also creates a new account. In the example below, the new account jones is created by copying the account adams:

popstore> SHOW ADAMS
Username:        adams 
Owner:           David Adams 
Store Type:     popstore 
Usage flags: 
Last pwd change:    Fri Oct 18 09:12:23 2012 
Last connect:       Fri Nov 15 16:09:38 2012 
Last disconnect:    Fri Nov 15 16:09:39 2012 
Total connect time: 0 00:10:03 
Total connections:  145 
Past block days:    123953 
Last billing:       Fri Oct 18 09:12:23 2012 
Message count:              0 (189 total messages received) 
Quota used:              0.00 Kbytes 
Quota:              102400.00 Kbytes 
Overdraft:              10.00 Kbytes 
popstore> SHOW JONES
Username:           jones 
Owner:              Daniel Jones 
Store Type:     popstore 
Usage flags: 
Last pwd change:    Fri Nov 15 13:23:18 2012 
Last connect:       No time recorded 
Last disconnect:    No time recorded 
Total connect time: 0 00:00:00 
Total connections:  0 
Past block days:    0 
Last billing:       Fri Nov 15 13:23:18 2012 
Message count:              0 (0 total messages received) 
Quota used:              0.00 Kbytes 
Quota:              102400.00 Kbytes 
Overdraft:              10.00 Kbytes 
Note that when an account is copied to make a new account, the new account does not inherit the messages or accounting information of the original account.


Your PMDF-POPSTORE license controls the number of popstore user accounts which you can have at any one time. When you reach this limit, you will not be allowed to create additional accounts without first deleting some accounts or obtaining a new license with an increased limit. Sites without a PMDF-POPSTORE license are allowed to use the popstore and create up to ten user accounts. This limit does not include the default account. Use the SHOW/COUNT_USERS command to display the number of currently defined accounts as well as the limit allowed by your license.

7.3 Listing Accounts

Verbose and brief listings of accounts can be generated with the SHOW command. When no username parameter is supplied, all accounts are listed:

popstore> SHOW/BRIEF
                                       Quota  Message  Quota used 
 Username                           (kbytes)    Count    (kbytes) 
 anne                               33333.00        0        0.00 
 david                             102400.00        0        0.00 
*deanna                             33333.00        0        0.00 
 default                             1024.00        0        0.00 
 kevin                              40960.00        0        0.00 
 karen                              10240.00        0        0.00 
 marty                              40960.00        0        0.00 
*Note: privileged users are flagged with an asterisk 
In the above output, an asterisk is displayed by each account which has the management privilege. The /BRIEF qualifier, causes a brief listing to be generated. Omitting that qualifier generates a much more detailed listing.

When a username parameter is specified, wild cards can be used:

popstore> SHOW/BRIEF D*
                                       Quota  Message  Quota used 
 Username                           (kbytes)    Count    (kbytes) 
 david                             102400.00        0        0.00 
*deanna                             33333.00        0        0.00 
 default                             1024.00        0        0.00 
*Note: privileged users are flagged with an asterisk 

As discussed in Section 7.15.2, the /FORMAT qualifier of the SHOW command can be used to generate custom listings. Section 7.11 describes how to use the /FORWARDINGS qualifier to display mail forwardings.

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