PMDF popstore & MessageStore Manager's Guide

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Initialize the popstore API.

int POPSTORE_init (init_pmdf, sleep_proc, usage, usage_len) 
      int    init_pmdf; 
      void (*sleep_proc)(); 
      char  *usage; 
      int    usage_len; 



Boolean flag, 0 or 1, indicating whether or not to also call PMDF_initialize. Used for input only.


Address of a procedure to call to sleep the process or thread. Used for input only.


A short description identifying the usage being made by the popstore API client. Used for input only.


Length in bytes of the usage description, usage. Used for input only.


To use the popstore API, you must first initialize the API by calling POPSTORE_init. When through using the popstore API, call POPSTORE_end. When a call to POPSTORE_init fails, POPSTORE_end does not need to be called. However, POPSTORE_end can be called even when a call to POPSTORE_init has failed. If PMDF has not already been initialized via the PMDF API subroutine PMDF_initialize, then you must specify a value of 1 for init_pmdf. Otherwise, specify a value of 0. A brief description of the intended usage can be specified with the usage argument. This information will be passed to any site-supplied logging procedure as part of the POPSTORE_LOG_START logging call. When the popstore API is used by a multi-threaded process, the address of a procedure to sleep a single thread should be supplied with the sleep_proc argument. The procedure takes the form

void sleep (centi_seconds) 
       unsigned long centi_seconds; 
where centi_seconds is the number of hundredths of seconds to sleep the thread for. When a null is passed for the value of sleep_proc, the popstore API will use a default sleep procedure.4

Return Values

POPSTORE_SUCCESS Normal, successful completion.
POPSTORE_BADARG Illegal value specified for the USERNAME_STYLE or USERNAME_CHARSET options; initialization failed.
POPSTORE_LOADERROR Unable to load a site-supplied callable image; initialization failed.
POPSTORE_PMDFINITERR Unable to initialize PMDF; initialization failed.
POPSTORE_READERROR Unable to read the popstore option file; initialization failed.


4 Presently, the sleep procedure is only used in the event that a file cannot be opened or created for some unknown reason. In such situations, the popstore will sleep for a brief period of time and attempt to open or create the file a second time.

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