PMDF System Manager's Guide

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The Lotus Notes directory agent images ldif2ln.exe, ldif2lnm.exe, ln2ldif.exe, and ln2ldifm.exe must be copied (installed) to the Lotus Notes program directory on the PC Lotus Notes server system.

On the Lotus Notes server system, a scratch directory must be created for the LDIF2LNM and LN2LDIFM programs' use. For this example, we will use:


The Lotus Notes server system must be configured to run the LN2LDIFM program, and the LDIF2LNM Lotus Notes Service, at appropriate times; these programs control the Lotus Notes server side of the Lotus Notes directory agent. LN2LDIFM must be run whenever a directory needs to be sent into the dirsync process. The other process, LDIF2LNM, is a process that should be running at all times waiting for a connection from the PMDF system's SYNC_LN channel when the PMDF system has a directory update to send back to Lotus Notes.

There are a number of ways to arrange for LN2LDIFM to be run automatically on a schedule. One way is to NT Schedule service. There are two steps involved in doing this. The first is to ensure that the Schedule service is running and will be started automatically on a reboot. This is easiest to achieve by using the Services tool in the control panel. Find the Service called Schedule and check to see that its Status is Started, and Startup is Automatic. If its Status is not Started, highlight the service in the Services window and click on the Start button. If Startup is not Automatic, highlight the service and click on the Startup button and select Automatic in the panel that then appears. Once that Schedule service is running, you can use the at command to have a command issued on a regular basis. For instance to send the name and address book names.nsf at midnight each day, issue the command

at 00:00 c:\notes\ln2ldifm - names.nsf FullName c:\temp\ds 9922 360 "select type=\"Person\"" 

There are also a number of ways to make sure that the LDIF2LNM program gets started on a reboot. The best way is to use the program srvrany.exe from the NT resource kit. This is described in the file srvrany.wri on the NT resource kit CD. And the invocation of the program itself should look, for this same sample site, along the lines of:

ldif2lnm 9921 c:\temp\ds\ldif2lnm.temp ldif2ln names.nsf 

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