PMDF User's Guide
OpenVMS Edition

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7.3.1 The Pine Resource File

Pine uses a resource file to keep track of its configuration, user preferences, and other information. On OpenVMS systems, this file is named PINE.PINERC and is located in the PMDF_INIT: directory.3 By default, PMDF_INIT is a logical which translates to SYS$LOGIN. Users wanting to keep their pine resource file elsewhere can redefine the PMDF_INIT logical.4 The logical name PINERC can be used to specify an alternate file name. For instance, the definition

causes the file name PINE.RC to instead be used, thereby accessing the file

The definition of the PINERC logical must not contain a device or directory reference.

See Section 7.6 for a description of the many pine configuration options available in the pine resource file.


3 PMDF Pine does not use the same resource file name as on UNIX, .pinerc, as it is not advisable on OpenVMS to use file names with only an extension part.

4 Note that redefining PMDF_INIT also affects the location of a number of other PMDF initialization files.

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