2. Installing SSH for OpenVMS



This chapter takes you through the SSH for OpenVMS product installation procedure and certain post-installation tasks. It is for the OpenVMS system manager, administrator, or technician responsible for product installation.

To prepare for installation, see Chapter 1, Before You Begin.


Note: Once you have installed SSH for OpenVMS, you need to reinstall it after you have done a major OpenVMS upgrade.



To install SSH for OpenVMS:

1.      Load the software.

2.      Run the VMSINSTAL procedure.

3.      Install other products, if needed, and perform post-installation tasks.

Load the Software

SSH for OpenVMS is available as a download or shipped to you on CD-ROM media.

There are three steps to loading the SSH for OpenVMS software:

  1. Log in to the system manager's account.
  2. If SSH for OpenVMS is currently running, shut it down:


3.      If you are installing on a VMScluster, shut down SSH for OpenVMS on each node in the cluster.

  1. Physically load the distribution media onto the appropriate device.


·         On a standalone system, or if you want to prevent multiple users from accessing the software, enter the following:

$ MOUNT device SSH024


Note: If you install SSH for OpenVMS on a VMS cluster that has a common system disk, install the software on only one node in the cluster. If reinstalling or upgrading SSH for OpenVMS, first shut down SSH for OpenVMS on all nodes in the cluster.


Be sure to configure SSH for OpenVMS on all systems in a VMS cluster that has a common system disk, even though it only needs to be installed once.




VMSINSTAL is the OpenVMS installation program for layered products. VMSINSTAL prompts you for any information it needs. The below table shows the steps to follow.

1.      Make sure that you are logged in to the system manager’s account, and invoke VMSINSTAL

2.      Determine if you are satisfied with your system disk backup

3.      Determine where the distribution volumes will be mounted

4.      Enter the products you want processed from the first distribution volume set

5.      Enter the installation options you wish to use (such as obtaining the Release Notes)

6.      Specify the directory where you want the files installed.

7.      Specify the directory where you want the system-specific files installed

Sample Installation


$ @sys$update:vmsinstal multinet053 dka600:[multinet053]


OpenVMS AXP Software Product Installation Procedure V7.3-2

It is 7-MAY-2022 at 13:24.

Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help.


Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? YES

                The following products will be processed:  

     MULTINET V5.2

        Beginning installation of MULTINET V5.2 at 13:24

%VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ...

%VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP.


Where do you want to install SSH for OpenVMS [SYS$SYSDEVICE:[MULTINET]]:

What do you want to call the system-specific directory [MYSYS]:


%VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory _MYSYS$DKA0:[MULTINET.MYSYS].

%VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory _MYSYS$DKA0:[MULTINET.AXP_COMMON].

%VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set Y ...


                       SSH for OpenVMS

                         MultiNet (R)


This licensed material is the valuable property of Process Software. Its use, duplication, or disclosure is subject to the restrictions set forth in the License Agreement.

Other use, duplication or disclosure, unless expressly provided for in the license agreement, is unlawful.

Installing SSH for OpenVMS V2.4 Rev A


Do you want to install the online documentation [YES]? RETURN

  The HTML documentation requires 950 blocks.

Do you want to install the HTML documentation [YES]? RETURN

  The PDF documentation requires 2,260 blocks.

Do you want to install the PDF documentation [YES]? RETURN

  The SSH for OpenVMS software will be installed with these

   selected components:

Online documentation

HTML Documentation

PDF Documentation


Would you like to change your selections [NO]? RETURN

Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? RETURN

Configure SSH for OpenVMS after installation [NO]? YES

%VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory MU$SPECIFIC_ROOT:[MULTINET].

%VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory MU$COMMON_ROOT:[MULTINET].

The installation will now proceed with no further questions.


%VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set 27 ...

%MULTINET-I-INSTALLING, Installing SSH for OpenVMS files

%VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory MU$COMMON_ROOT:[MULTINET.PSCSSH].

%VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory MU$SPECIFIC_ROOT:[MULTINET.PSCSSH].

%VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory MU$SPECIFIC_ROOT:[MULTINET.PSCSSH.LOG].

%VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory MU$SPECIFIC_ROOT:[MULTINET.PSCSSH.SSH].

%VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory MU$SPECIFIC_ROOT:[MULTINET.PSCSSH.SSH2].

%VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory MU$SPECIFIC_ROOT:[MULTINET.PSCSSH.SSH2.HOSTKEYS].


%MULTINET-I-CREATING, Creating SSH for OpenVMS startup file





*  To start SSH for OpenVMS, add the following line to your

*       SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file after you have configured SSH for OpenVMS:                                                      *


*                 $ @SYS$STARTUP:PSCSSH$STARTUP




%MULTINET-I-INSTALLING, Installing the online documentation files

%VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory MU$SPECIFIC_ROOT:[MULTINET.PSCSSH.DOCUMENTS].

%VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory MU$COMMON_ROOT:[MULTINET.PSCSSH.DOCUMENTS].

%MULTINET-I-INSTALLING, Installing SSH for OpenVMS HELP library

%MULTINET-I-DELETING, Deleting obsolete MultiNet files

%VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories...

SSH for OpenVMS Version V2.4A SSH Configuration procedure

This procedure helps you define the parameters needed to get SSH for OpenVMS running on this system.

This procedure creates the configuration data file,   MULTINET_SPECIFIC_ROOT:[MULTINET.PSCSSH]SSH_CONFIGURE.COM, to reflect your system's configuration.

For detailed information on the following parameters, refer to the SSH for OpenVMS Administration and User Guide.


SSH for OpenVMS supports both SSH1 and SSH2 servers.  You may configure

SSH for OpenVMS to support either SSH1 servers or SSH2 servers, or both. Note that the choice of either or both servers has no impact on the SSH for OpenVMS client, which supports both SSH1 and SSH2 remote servers.


Do you want to enable the SSH1 server [NO]? YES

Do you want to enable the SSH2 server [NO]? YES


For SSH1, you must specify the number of bits in the RSA key.  The range is 512 to 32768 bits, but keys longer than 1024 are generally not much safer, and they significantly increase the amount of CPU time consumed by key generation when the SSHD_MASTER process is starting.


Enter the number of bits in the RSA key [768]: 1024


You may specify an alternate configuration file for the SSH1 server. If you have already specified an alternate configuration file, enter a single space and hit RETURN at the prompt to reset it to the default file name.

Enter an alternate SSH1 configuration filename []: RETURN


You may specify an alternate configuration file for the SSH2 server. If you have already specified an alternate configuration file, enter a single space and hit RETURN at the prompt to reset it to the default file name.

                Enter an alternate SSH2 configuration filename []: RETURN


Specify the level of debug for the SSH1 and SSH2 servers.

For SSH1, any non-zero value will turn on debug, but there is no "degree of debug".

For SSH2, this is a value from 0 to 50, where zero is no debug and 50 is the maximum level of debug.  Note that at levels exceeding debug level 8, there may be a substantial impact on SSH2 server (and possibly, the system, too) performance due to the amount of information logged.

Enter the debug level [0 - 50, 0]: 2


For SSH1, you may enter the name of an alternate RSA host key file.  If you have already specified an alternate host key file, enter a single space and hit RETURN at the prompt to reset it to the default file name.

Enter an alternate SSH1 public server host key file []: RETURN


Specify the time in seconds after which the server private key is generated. This is only done for SSH1 sessions.

Enter the key regeneration time [3600]: RETURN


You may specify the number of seconds a user has to enter a password during user authentication (default = 600).  In addition, you may allow this to default to the value used by OpenVMS when a user is logging into a non-SSH session.  To specify an infinite wait time, enter 0 for the timeout value.

Do you want to change the default login grace time [NO]? RETURN


Specify the address for the SSH server to listen on, if you wish to use an address other than the default listen address of ANY (  Any valid IPV4 or IPV6 address may be specified, or ANY to listen on all addresses.

Enter address to listen on [ANY]: RETURN


Specify the port for the SSH server to listen on, if you wish to use a port other than the default port of 22.

Enter port to use [22]: RETURN


Do you want any messages logged by the SSH server at all [YES]? RETURN


Do you want verbose logging by the SSH server [NO]? Y


You may specify the maximum number of concurrent SSH sessions to be allowed on the server.  This is the total of both SSH1 and SSH2 sessions. The default is 1000 sessions.

Enter maximum number of concurrent SSH sessions [1-1000, 1000]: RETURN


You may permit the server to log a brief informational message when a user is allowed or denied access to a system.

For SSH1 connections, an ACCEPT or REJECT event will be simply dependent upon if a user could connect based on the ALLOWGROUP/DENYGROUP settings in the configuration file SSH_DIR:SSHD_CONFIG.  The message will be of the form:

  <date><time> SSH1 (accepted) from [,111] (my.server.com)


For SSH2 sessions, an ACCEPT or REJECT event will be logged when the user is either successfully authenticated or fails authentication.  The message will be of the form:

<date><time> SSH2 (accepted) from user "foo" at [,111](my.server.com)


You may specify the name and location of the log file to record accepted and/or rejected connections.  If you simply hit RETURN, this information will be logged to OPCOM as opposed to a disk file.

By default, this file will be in the SSH_DIR: directory.  You may override this by specifying a complete filename, including the directory specification; or by specifying a logical name that translates to a full filename specification.

Do you want to log accepted sessions [NO] Y


Do you want to log rejected sessions [NO] Y

You are currently logging to OPCOM.


Do you want to change the log file [NO]? RETURN


In OpenVMS, users with passwords that have expired because the SYSUAF PWDLIFETIME value has been exceeded are allowed to log into the system, and are then forced to change their password.  The SSH1 protocol does not allow for that condition.  Answer "YES" to the following question if you wish to allow users with expired passwords to still log into the system.  They WILL NOT be forced to change their password.

Note that the SSH2 protocol is not restricted as the SSH1 protocol is; changing of expired passwords, save for pre-generated passwords, is performed by many SSH2 clients (including the SSH for OpenVMS client). Do you want to allow users with expired passwords to log in [NO]? Y


In OpenVMS, users with passwords that have been pre-expired by the system manager are allowed to log into the system, and are then forced to change their password.  The SSH1 protocol does not allow for that condition.  Answer"YES" to the following question if you wish to allow users with pre-expired passwords to still log into the system.  They WILL NOT be forced to change their password.

Note that the SSH2 protocol is not restricted as the SSH1 protocol is; changing of expired passwords, save for pre-generated passwords, is performed by many SSH2 clients (including the SSH for OpenVMS client).

Do you want to allow users with preexpired passwords to log in [NO]? Y


The SSH1 protocol does not permit the display of the contents of the SYS$ANNOUNCE logical or file prior to a user logging in.  Answering "Y" to the next question will cause the SSH for OpenVMS client to display the contents of SYS$ANNOUNCE after user authentication is completed but before the contents of SYS$WELCOME are displayed.

Do you want to display SYS$ANNOUNCE [NO]? Y


When generating user keys, a passphrase may be used to further protect the key.  No limit is normally enforced for the length of the passphrase. However, you may specify a minimum length the passphrase may be.

What you want the minimum passphrase length to be for SSH1 [0-1024, 0]? RETURN


What you want the minimum passphrase length to be for SSH2 [0-1024, 0]? RETURN


The SSH1 host key has not yet been generated.  Answer YES to the following question to generate the key now.  Answer NO to generate the key manually later by issuing the command:


Generating a host key can take a few minutes on slow systems.

Do you want to generate the SSH1 host key now [YES]? RETURN


Initializing random number generator...

Generating p:  .............++ (distance 154)

Generating q:  ..++ (distance 34)

Generating q:  ..............++ (distance 246) Computing the keys...

Testing the keys...

Key generation complete.


Your identification has been saved in


Your public key is:

1024 35





484441625719193392968523 DILBERT@mysys.whoknows.com

Your public key has been saved in


The SSH2 host key has not yet been generated.  Answer YES to the following question to generate the key now.  Answer NO to generate the key manually later by issuing the command:


Generating a host key can take a few minutes on slow systems.

Do you want to generate the SSH2 host key now [YES]? RETURN


Generating 1024-bit dsa key pair

   6 OOo.oOo.oOo.

Key generated.

1024-bit dsa, system@lima.example.com, Fri May 07 2022 13:44:18

Private key saved to multinet_ssh2_hostkey_dir:hostkey

Public key saved to multinet_ssh2_hostkey_dir:hostkey.pub

SSH Configuration completed.


Review the additional steps you may need to perform as described in the configuration chapters of the SSH for OpenVMS Administration and User Guide before starting SSH.

Refer to the "Monitoring and Controlling SSH" chapter of the SSH for

OpenVMS Administration and User Guide for information on starting SSH.

       Installation of MULTINET V5.2 completed at 13:45

       Adding history entry in VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]VMSINSTAL.HISTORY

       Creating installation data file:        


       VMSINSTAL procedure done at 13:45


Installing SSH for OpenVMS for the First Time on a Common VMScluster System Disk

After installing SSH for OpenVMS on one node of a VMScluster with a common system disk, you must perform the following steps on each additional cluster node that shares the common system disk:

1.      Log in (telnet/set host/etc.) to the next node of the cluster.

  1. Create the SSH logicals by using the following command:


  1. Make the node-specific SSH root and configure SSH for this node:


4.      Start SSH for OpenVMS:


5.      Repeat steps 1-4 for each remaining node of the cluster except for the one where SSH was originally installed.