9. Using VAM with MultiNet FTP


When using VAM with LGI callouts and the MultiNet FTP server, the server must be configured in a specific way.  This chapter documents how the server must be configured.

The following is an example of configuring MultiNet FTP server to perform authentication via VAM using the LGI callouts.   Once VAM has been configured, MultiNet FTP must be configured as follows:

$ mult configure/server

MultiNet Server Configuration Utility V5.6

[Reading in configuration from MULTINET:SERVICES.MASTER_SERVER]

SERVER-CONFIG>select ucxqio

[The Selected SERVER entry is now UCXQIO]

SERVER-CONFIG>set flag start_aux_server

[UCXQIO flags set to <START_AUX_SERVER>]

SERVER-CONFIG>set process ucxqio

[VMS process name set to UCXQIO]


[Writing configuration to



%RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 20800565


[Configuration not modified, so no update needed]
