PMDF popstore & MessageStore Manager's Guide

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Chapter 9
Report Generation

The command line management utility described in Chapters 6 and 7 can be used to generate reports and account listings.

There are two steps to generating a report:

  1. writing a formatting file which formats the desired data, and
  2. invoking the command line management utility to process the formatting file.
Each of these steps are discussed in this chapter.

9.1 Writing a Formatting File

Three types of information can be reported:
  1. user account information,
  2. user account message lists, and
  3. listings of forwarding addresses.
The information is formatted using formatting files as described in Section 4.3.2. The substitution strings allowed in the formatting files are listed in the tables cited below:
Information type Substitution strings
Account information Tables 4-10 and 4-15
Message lists Tables 4-10 and 4-11
Forwarding addresses Tables 4-10 and 4-24

The formatting files, once written, must be stored in the /pmdf/www/popstore/ directory tree on UNIX and NT systems or the in the PMDF_ROOT:[WWW.POPSTORE] directory on OpenVMS systems.

9.2 Producing a Report

Once a formatting file has been written, it can be used in conjunction with the command line management utility with a command from the table below:
  Information type Command
UNIX, NT Account information show -format_file=file-spec [username]
  Message lists show -messages -format_file=file-spec username
  Forwarding addresses show -forwardings -format_file=file-spec [username]
VMS Account information SHOW/FORMAT_FILE=file-spec [username]
  Message lists SHOW/MESSAGES/FORMAT_FILE=file-spec username
  Forwarding addresses SHOW/FORWARDINGS/FORMAT_FILE=file-spec [username]
where file-spec is the name of the formatting file to use and username is the name of the account to report on. The account name is optional when listing account or forwarding information.

For example, to list all user accounts using the formatting file list.txt, issue the command

# pmdf popstore show -format_file=list.txt
on UNIX and NT systems. On OpenVMS systems, issue the command


9.3 An Example

The following example demonstrates how to generate a report of all popstore accounts. In the listing, the account name, message count, and total size of stored messages is shown for each account. The formatting file is shown in Example 9-1 and provided with PMDF under the name report.txt.

Example 9-1 Account Listing Report

%first{                              Message  Quota used} 
%first{ Username                       Count    (kbytes)} 
%first{ ------------------------------------------------------} 
%flags_manage{ |*}%username{%-32s} %message_count{%7u}    %quota_used_k{%8.2f} 
%last{ ----------------------------------------------------------------} 
%last{*Note: privileged users are flagged with an asterisk} 

To generate the report on UNIX and NT systems, issue the command:

# pmdf popstore show -format_file=report.txt
and on OpenVMS systems, issue the command:


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