PMDF popstore & MessageStore Manager's Guide

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Chapter 13

There are two logging interfaces for the popstore. The first is the normal PMDF logging interface as described in Section 13.1. This interface should suit the needs of most sites.

For sites needing more sophisticated logging facilities, there is a subroutine level interface. When enabled, the popstore dynamically loads and links to a site-supplied subroutine and then calls that subroutine each time an event is to be logged. The loggable events are summarized below and discussed in Section 13.2:

Section 13.2.3 shows some sample event logs depicting various activities, recorded through this subroutine interface.

13.1 PMDF-style Logging

Normal PMDF logging facilities can be used to track messages into the popstore and POP3 client access to the store. The former is activated with the logging channel keyword; the latter by enabling logging in the POP3 server itself. Both will produce log file entries in the PMDF log file, mail.log_current, found in the PMDF log directory.

To use the logging channel keyword, edit the PMDF configuration file, popstore.chans found in the PMDF table directory, /pmdf/table/ on UNIX and NT systems and PMDF_TABLE: on OpenVMS. In that file, add the logging keyword to the end of the line beginning with holdexquota so that that line reads

 holdexquota description "popstore channel" logging 
Then save the file. After saving the file, recompile your configuration if using a compiled configuration. Also, if on OpenVMS, reinstall the configuration after recompiling. If using the multi-threaded SMTP server, restart it with the PMDF RESTART SMTP command.

See the PMDF System Manager's Guide for further information on the logging channel keyword and the format of the PMDF log file.

Use the LOGGING option of the POP3 server to enable logging in that server. See the POP3 server documentation in the PMDF System Manager's Guide for details on enabling that option.

13.2 The Site-Supplied Logging Interface

Sites needing very detailed popstore activity logging can obtain such detail by providing a subroutine for the popstore to call. The subroutine is provided to the popstore as a shareable image and made known to the popstore via the LOG_ACTIVITY option described in Section 3.3. By default, any "loggable" event will be passed to the site supplied logging routine. Optionally, the LOGGING_ACTIVITY_MASK option can be used to select which events are logged.

The site-supplied subroutine must have the name log_activity and takes the form

#ifndef __VMS 
#  include "/pmdf/com/popstore.h" 
#  include "PMDF_COM:POPSTORE.H" 
void log_activity (*log_id, log_subid, log_type, 
                   *log_data, log_len) 
        char   *log_id; 
        uint32  log_subid; 
        int32   log_type; 
        void   *log_data; 
        int32   log_len; 
where the parameters have the following interpretations:


Character string of length at most 20 bytes which remains the same amongst a related sequence of popstore activities bounded by POPSTORE_init() and POPSTORE_end() calls.


Thirty-two bit unsigned integer identifying a related sequence of popstore activities bounded by POPSTORE_user_begin() and POPSTORE_user_end() calls.


The type of activity being logged. See Section 13.2.2 for a description of the different values for this parameter.


A pointer to the information to be logged. The nature of the data and its organization varies with the type of activity being logged. Refer to Section 13.2.2 for details.


The length in bytes of the information to be logged.

The intent behind the log_id and log_subid parameters is to provide a means of grouping related activity threads together. For instance, if logging activity to a file, then start each record of the file with the values of the log_id and log_subid parameters. The log file can then be sorted to produce a file in which related events are grouped together within the (sorted) file.

Each call the popstore makes to the LOG_ACTIVITY subroutine reports an event which the subroutine can then log or discard as it sees fit. The subroutine does not need to be reentrant or thread-safe: within a given process context, the popstore will serialize its calls to the subroutine. However, several processes can simultaneously call the same subroutine. Consequently, if the subroutine, for instance, appends records to a log file, the subroutine must ensure that the writes to that file support simultaneous writers.

In the file popstore_log_activity.c, a sample log_activity subroutine is provided. This file is in the /pmdf/doc/examples directory on UNIX and NT systems and, on OpenVMS systems, the directory PMDF_ROOT:[DOC.EXAMPLES].

13.2.1 Linking a Shared Library

Solaris Systems

On Solaris systems, linking a C program into a shared library is accomplished with the command:

# cc -mt -KPIC -G -h -o filename.c 
where filename.c is the name of the program to compile link and is the name of the shared library to create.

Linux Systems

On Linux systems, linking a C program into a shared library is accomplished with the command:

# gcc -shared -o filename.c 
where filename.c is the name of the program to compile and link and is the name of the shared library to create.

OpenVMS Systems

On OpenVMS VAX systems, the link command should be of the form

_$            disk:[device]filename.EXE
and on OpenVMS Alpha or I64 systems,

_$            disk:[device]filename.EXE
where object-file-spec is the name of the object file to be linked to produce the resulting shared image disk:[device]filename.EXE. The choice of logical name is arbitrary. Use whatever name you see fit and then use the LOG_ACTIVITY option to tell the popstore the logical name to use.

When relinking the image, be sure to issue the command

so that the new image is instead used.

13.2.2 Logging Data Types

The value of the log_type parameter indicates the type of activity being logged and the type of data referenced by the log_data pointer. The symbolic names of the values are defined in the popstore.h header file and are summarized in Table 13-1. They are fully discussed below.

Table 13-1 Summary of Logging Data Types
Symbolic name Value log_data data type
By default, the site-supplied logging routine is called for every event. This corresponds to a setting of LOG_ACTIVITY_MASK=-1. Each bit in the value of LOG_ACTIVITY_MASK indicates whether a particular event should be logged (and hence when it has a value of -1 all events are logged). You can therefore control which events are logged by specifying a non-default value for the LOG_ACTIVITY_MASK option as shown in Table 13-2 below. In that table, bit 0 is the lowest (first) bit.

Table 13-2 LOG_ACTIVITY_MASK Bit Values
Symbolic name Bit to set
POPSTORE_LOG_END Always logged

Each of these logging data types are described below.


When log_type has the value POPSTORE_LOG_START, log_data is a pointer to a character string. This logging type arises when the POPSTORE_init() subroutine is called and signifies the initialization of the popstore API by a popstore client program. log_data points to a string identifying the client program and information about it. Standard popstore subroutines provide the following usage strings:
00:cgi:user@server-host (server-ip-addr+server-tcp-port):
client@client-host (client-ip-addr+client-tcp-port)
The indicated user on the indicated host is running the popstore's management HTTP CGI and is processing a request from the indicated host.
01:user_cgi:user@server-host (server-ip-addr+server-tcp-port):
client@client-host (client-ip-addr+client-tcp-port)
The indicated user on the indicated host is running the popstore's user-mode informational HTTP CGI and is processing a request from the indicated host.
The indicated user on the indicated host is running the inbound popstore delivery channel under the indicated channel name, channel.
This indicates that the POP3 server has initialized the popstore. At this point, the POP3 server does not have useful information to record. However, as it processes connections from POP3 clients, it will provide more detailed information. See the description of the POPSTORE_LOG_LOGIN_START logging type.
The indicated user on the indicated host is running the command line management utility. The username is the user's login username on the host and not their popstore username.
This indicates that the poppassd server has initialized the popstore. At this point, the poppassd server does not have useful information to record. However, as it processes connections from POP3 clients, it will provide more detailed information. See the description of the POPSTORE_LOG_LOGIN_START logging type.
The indicated user on the indicated host is running the popstore message bouncer under the indicated channel name, channel.
The indicated user on the indicated host is running the mail box migration utility to migrate one or more mail boxes to the popstore.
08:pwd_cgi:user@server-host (server-ip-addr+server-tcp-port):
client@client-host (client-ip-addr+client-tcp-port)
The indicated user on the indicated host is running the popstore's user-mode password HTTP CGI and is processing a request from the indicated host. Site-supplied and third-party popstore clients can use other usage strings. Usage strings beginning with 00 through 20 are reserved for use by Process Software.


When log_type has the value POPSTORE_LOG_END, log_data has the value NULL and log_len has the value 0. This logging type arises when the subroutine POPSTORE_end() is called and signifies the end of use of the popstore by a popstore client program.


When log_type has the value POPSTORE_LOG_LOGIN_START, log_data is a pointer to a POPSTORE_user_log structure. See Section 13.2.4 for a description of that structure. This logging type arises when the subroutine POPSTORE_user_begin() is called to begin a user context. The fields of the logging data will be as follows:
Field name Description
stat Set to the value POPSTORE_SUCCESS
profile Set to the value NULL
username As supplied by the caller of POPSTORE_user_begin()
ulen As supplied by the caller of POPSTORE_user_begin()
usage As supplied by the caller of POPSTORE_user_begin()
usagelen As supplied by the caller of POPSTORE_user_begin()
The caller supplied fields should be treated as suspect. For instance, the ulen field can have an incorrect value. Standard popstore subroutines provide the following usage strings
00:cgi:user@server-host (server-ip-addr+server-tcp-port):
client@client-host (client-ip-addr+client-tcp-port)
The popstore's management HTTP CGI running on the host server-host is processing a request from the indicated host, client-host.
01:user_cgi:user@server-host (server-ip-addr+server-tcp-port):
client@client-host (client-ip-addr+client-tcp-port)
The popstore's user-mode HTTP CGI running on the host server-host is processing a request from the indicated host, client-host.
A POP3 client running on the host with IP address client-ip-addr has made a connection to the POP3 server at the IP address server-ip-addr.
05:poppassd:user@server-host (server-ip-addr+server-tcp-port):
A POP3 client running on the host client-host has made a connection to the poppassd server on the host server-host.
08:pwd_cgi:user@server-host (server-ip-addr+server-tcp-port):
client@client-host (client-ip-addr+client-tcp-port)
The popstore's user-mode password HTTP CGI running on the host server-host is processing a request from the indicated host, client-host. This logging type also arises when an error is encountered within the API subroutine POPSTORE_user_begin(). In that case, fields of the logging data will be as shown below:
Field name Description
stat Set to the popstore error code value indicating the error which occurred
profile Set to the value NULL
username As supplied by the caller of POPSTORE_user_begin()
ulen As supplied by the caller of POPSTORE_user_begin()
usage Set to the value NULL
usagelen Set to the value 0



When log_type has the either the value POPSTORE_LOG_LOGIN_PW_MATCH or the value POPSTORE_LOG_LOGIN_PW_NOMATCH, log_data is a pointer to a POPSTORE_user_log structure. See Section 13.2.4 for a description of that structure. This logging type arises when the subroutine POPSTORE_user_pw_check() has been called to validate a popstore username and password pair. The first type occurs when the password or challenge response is correct; the second type when the password or challenge response is incorrect. The logging data, which is of type POPSTORE_user_log, will have the field values indicated below:
Field name Description
stat Return value which will be returned by POPSTORE_user_pw_check() to the caller
profile Pointer to the popstore user context
username Username associated with the user context
ulen Length of the username associated with the popstore user context
usage Set to the value NULL
usagelen Set to the value 0


When log_type has the value POPSTORE_LOG_LOGIN_END, log_data is a pointer to a POPSTORE_user_log structure. See Section 13.2.4 for a description of that structure. This logging type arises when the subroutine POPSTORE_user_end() has been called to end a popstore user context. The fields of the logging data will be as follows:
Field name Description
stat Return value which will be returned by POPSTORE_user_end() to the caller
profile Pointer to the popstore user context being ended
username Username associated with the user context
ulen Length of the username associated with the popstore user context
usage Set to the value NULL
usagelen Set to the value 0


When log_type has the value POPSTORE_LOG_MSG_STORE, log_data is a pointer to a POPSTORE_message_store_log structure. See Section 13.2.6 for a description of that structure. This logging type arises when the inbound message delivery subroutine stores a message into the popstore. The contents of the logging data are as described in Section 13.2.6.


When log_type has the value POPSTORE_LOG_MSG_OPEN, log_data is a pointer to a POPSTORE_message_log structure. See Section 13.2.5 for a description of that structure. This logging type arises when a stored message file is accessed with the API subroutine POPSTORE_message_begin(). The contents of the logging data are as described in Section 13.2.5.


When log_type has the value POPSTORE_LOG_MSG_DELETE, log_data is a pointer to a POPSTORE_message_log structure. See Section 13.2.5 for a description of that structure. This logging type arises when a stored message file is deleted for one of its recipients. The contents of the logging data are as described in Section 13.2.5 with the exception that the four envelope and message id fields will have the values NULL and 0.


When log_type has the value POPSTORE_LOG_USER_CREATE, log_data is a pointer to a POPSTORE_user_log structure. See Section 13.2.4 for a description of that structure. This logging type arises when the subroutine POPSTORE_user_add() has been called to create a new user account. The fields of the log data will be as follows:
Field name Description
stat Return value which will be returned by POPSTORE_user_add() to the caller
profile Pointer to the user context describing the new account
username Username associated with the user context
ulen Length of the username associated with the user context
usage Set to the value NULL
usagelen Set to the value 0


When log_type has the value POPSTORE_LOG_USER_DELETE, log_data is a pointer to a POPSTORE_user_log structure. See Section 13.2.4 for a description of that structure. This logging type arises when the subroutine POPSTORE_user_delete() has been called to delete a user account. The fields of the log data will be as follows:
Field name Description
stat Return value which will be returned by POPSTORE_user_add() to the caller
profile Pointer to the user context describing the account being deleted
username Username associated with the user context
ulen Length of the username associated with the user context
usage Set to the value NULL
usagelen Set to the value 0


When log_type has the value POPSTORE_LOG_USER_MODIFY, log_data is a pointer to a POPSTORE_user_log structure. See Section 13.2.4 for a description of that structure. This logging type arises when the subroutine POPSTORE_user_update() has been called to modify a user account. The fields of the logging data will be as follows:
Field name Description
stat Return value which will be returned by POPSTORE_user_update() to the caller
profile Pointer to an array of two user contexts: the first context describes the original settings for the account, the second context describes the new settings for the account
username Username associated with the user context
ulen Length of the username associated with the user context
usage Set to the value NULL
usagelen Set to the value 0

13.2.3 Logging Samples

The following samples illustrate some of the logging possibilities realized through the logging interface. In these examples, the site-supplied log_activity subroutine outputs records containing the log_id and log_subid values separated by a dot and then followed by the date and time. That is then followed by the value of the log_type parameter which is then followed by information pertinent to the type of data being logged.

In the first example, Example 13-1, the logging samples correspond to the UNIX login user bob issuing the commands

# pmdf popstore 
popstore> modify jdoe -quota=20480 
popstore> quit 

Example 13-1 Logging of a user profile modification

X9TC0008T6.1 11:30:11 - POPSTORE_LOG_START: 
X9TC0008T6.1 11:30:11 -    usage = 
X9TC0008T6.1 11:30:15 - POPSTORE_LOG_USER_MODIFY: user="jdoe" 
X9TC0008T6.1 11:30:15 -   quota:10240 -> 20480 
X9TC0008T6.1 11:30:15 - POPSTORE_LOG_END 

The next example, Example 13-2, corresponds to the popstore user jdoe reading a mail message and then deleting it with their POP3 client.

Example 13-2 Logging of a POP3 client downloading and deleting a message

27I80009GF.0 11:30:16 - POPSTORE_LOG_START: 
27I80009GF.0 11:30:16 -   usage = "03:pop3::" 
27I80009GF.0 11:31:45 - POPSTORE_LOG_LOGIN_START: 
27I80009GF.0 11:31:45 -   usage = "03:pop3:" 
27I80009GF.0 11:31:45 -   user  = "jdoe" 
27I80009GF.0 11:31:45 - POPSTORE_LOG_LOGIN_PW_MATCH: user="jdoe" 
27I80009GF.0 11:32:20 - POPSTORE_LOG_MSG_OPEN 
27I80009GF.0 11:32:20 -   UIDL        = !!!"01IDYVUZOFEO0008IH0 
27I80009GF.0 11:32:20 -   envelope ID = 
27I80009GF.0 11:32:20 -   message ID  = <> 
27I80009GF.0 11:32:21 - POPSTORE_LOG_MSG_DELETE: 
27I80009GF.0 11:32:21 -   user        = "jdoe" 
27I80009GF.0 11:32:21 -   UIDL        = !!!"01IDYVUZOFEO0008IH0 
27I80009GF.0 11:32:21 - POPSTORE_LOG_LOGIN_END: user="jdoe" 
27I80009GF.0 11:32:22 - POPSTORE_LOG_END 

The final example, Example 13-3, shows the inbound delivery agent delivering a message for two recipients to the popstore.

Example 13-3 Logging of the storage of a message

GMU8000B5V.0 16:12:39 - POPSTORE_LOG_START: 
GMU8000B5V.0 16:12:39 -   usage = 
GMU8000B5V.0 16:12:43 - 2 recipient, 2218 byte message from stored 
GMU8000B5V.0 16:12:43 -   envelope ID = 
GMU8000B5V.0 16:12:43 -   message ID  = <> 
GMU8000B5V.0 16:12:43 -   filename    = 01IDZ5S85JTU000B5V0 
GMU8000B5V.0 16:12:43 -   1 !!!! asmith 
GMU8000B5V.0 16:12:43 -   1 !!!" jdoe 
GMU8000B5V.0 16:12:45 - POPSTORE_LOG_END 

13.2.4 POPSTORE_user_log Structure

The POPSTORE_user_log structure is used to log events associated with the processing of user accounts. The C language declaration of the structure is provided by the popstore.h header file and shown below:

typedef struct { 
  int32               stat; 
  POPSTORE_user_data *profile; 
  char               *username; 
  int32               ulen; 
  char               *usage; 
  int32               usagelen; 
} POPSTORE_user_log; 
The usage of the fields in this structure varies with the value of the log_type parameter. See Section 13.2.2 for details. Note that the username and usage strings can not be NULL terminated.

13.2.5 POPSTORE_message_log Structure

The POPSTORE_message_log structure is used to log events associated with the processing of stored message files. The C language declaration of the structure is provided by the popstore.h header file and repeated below:

typedef struct { 
  char  *user; 
  int32  user_len; 
  char  *uidl; 
  int32  uidl_len; 
  char  *env_id; 
  int32  env_id_len; 
  char  *msg_id; 
  int32  msg_id_len; 
} POPSTORE_message_log; 
The interpretation of these fields are as follows:



The username and length in bytes of the username associated with the popstore account for which the message operation is being performed. This information can be omitted in which case the fields will have the values NULL and 0. The username string can not be NULL terminated.



UIDL and length in bytes of the UIDL referencing the message. The UIDL string can not be NULL terminated.



The envelope identification and length in bytes of the envelope identification associated with the message. This information can not be provided, in which case the fields will have the values NULL and 0. The envelope identification string can not be NULL terminated.



The value of the message's RFC822 message-id header line and length in bytes of that value. This information can not be provided, in which case the fields will have the values NULL and 0. The message-id string can not be NULL terminated.

13.2.6 POPSTORE_message_store_log Structure

The POPSTORE_message_store_log structure is used to log the delivery a message to the message store. The C language declaration of the structure is provided by the popstore.h header file and repeated below:

typedef struct { 
  uint32                   version; 
  uint32                   size; 
  time_t                   creation_date; 
  uint32                   recipient_count; 
  uint32                   reference_count; 
  char                    *env_from; 
  int32                    env_from_len; 
  char                    *env_id; 
  int32                    env_id_len; 
  char                    *msg_id; 
  int32                    msg_id_len; 
  char                    *filename; 
  int32                    filename_len; 
  char                     channel[40]; 
  POPSTORE_recipient_list *users; 
} POPSTORE_message_store_log; 
The interpretation of these fields are as follows:


Message file format version used for the message file.


Length in bytes of the stored message content.


Creation date and time for the message file as measured in seconds since 0:00:00.00 on 1 January 1970.


Count of popstore envelope recipients for the message.


Count of active envelope recipients for the message; that is, the number of popstore accounts with references to the message. This number will be less than or equal to the recipient_count. Usually it will be equal to the recipient_count, but it can be less if some sort of problem arose making delivery to a recipient impossible.



The message's envelope From: address and length of that address. The env_from field need not be NULL terminated.



The message's envelope id and length of that id. The env_id field need not be NULL terminated.



The message's RFC822 message-id and length of that id. The msg_id field need not be NULL terminated.



The name of the file in which the message is stored. The filename field need not be NULL terminated.


The name of the channel which delivered this message. The channel field is space (0x20 hex) padded and is not NULL terminated.


Pointer to an array of POPSTORE_recipient_list structures. The number of entries in the array is given by the reference_count field. The POPSTORE_recipient_list structure is described in Section 13.2.7.

13.2.7 POPSTORE_recipient_list Structure

The POPSTORE_recipient_list structure is used to log the envelope recipient list for a message stored in the popstore. The C language declaration of the structure is provided by the popstore.h header file and repeated below:

typedef struct { 
  char  *user; 
  int    user_len; 
  char  uidl[4]; 
  int    status; 
} POPSTORE_recipient_list; 
The interpretation of these fields are as follows:



Popstore username and length of that username. The username field can not be NULL terminated.


The first four characters of the UIDL for this user's instance of the message.


Status of this recipient:
Value Interpretation
1 Message was successfully delivered to this recipient.
2 Message was not delivered to this recipient; temporary error; will retry later.
3 Message was not delivered to this recipient; no such recipient.
4 Message was not delivered to this recipient; recipient is over quota.
5 Message was not delivered to this recipient; recipient is marked DISMAIL.

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