PMDF System Manager's Guide

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32.2.2 qm: Queue Management Utility

pmdf qm is a utility program which allows inspection and manipulation of queued messages. pmdf qm has two modes: maintenance mode and user mode. Maintenance mode can be used to inspect and manipulate the channel queue directories and the messages contained in them. Privileges sufficient to read, create, and delete files in the channel queue directory tree as well as read and update the queue cache database are required to use maintenance mode. User mode is a very restricted version of maintenance mode which allows unprivileged users to read their own messages from the queues and to return them (bounce them) back to their originator if desired. Users' own messages are messages which they themselves have sent or were posted to a list they own. They are not messages destined for the user. User mode is documented in the PMDF User's Guide, UNIX Edition.

To run pmdf qm in maintenance mode, issue the UNIX command

# pmdf qm -maintenance
or the NT command

C:\> pmdf qm -maintenance
Use the exit or quit command to exit pmdf qm. The commands accepted by this utility in maintenance mode are summarized in Table 32-3 below.

Table 32-3 Summary of pmdf qm maintenance mode commands
clean Hold or delete message files matching specified criteria
counters Control aspects of the channel counter caches and database
date Show current date and time
delete Irrevocably delete the specified messages
directory List currently queued messages
exit Exit the utility
held List messages which have been marked as held
help Obtain help
history Display message delivery history information
hold Mark a message as held
quit Exit the utility
read Display message envelope and header information
release Release held message
return Return a message to its originator
run Execute commands from the specified file
summarize Display a summary listing of message files
top Display frequently occurring strings from PMDF queue area message files
view Control whether the channel queue directory tree or queue cache database is viewed

The command recall and editing capabilities are provided by the open source software libedit (also known as editline). By default, the standard "vi" key bindings are defined. You can change various elements of the editing environment, such as using "Emacs" key bindings instead of "vi", by creating in your home directory a file called .editrc. See the editrc manpage for more information.

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